
Honor Societies

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学有着令人骄傲的学术卓越的历史. 该大学与著名的国家荣誉协会合作,表彰这些学生, from various disciplines, who have achieved academic distinction.



Golden Key Honor Society
金钥匙协会是世界上最大的大学荣誉协会. Membership into the Society is by invitation only and applies to the top 15% of college and university sophomores, juniors and seniors, 以及在所有研究领域表现最好的研究生, based solely on their academic achievements. 金钥匙使会员能够通过学术的进步实现自己的潜力, leadership and service. 更多信息请联系:Jeffrey Schonfeld, schonfeldj@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-4376.
Alpha Alpha Alpha
Alpha Alpha或Tri-Alpha是一个国家荣誉协会,表彰在大学期间取得杰出学业成就的第一代本科生和研究生. 也欢迎密歇根州立大学第一代学生的教职员工和校友申请.  已修满30学分及以上,平均绩点不低于3分的本科生.2 or better as well as graduate students who have earned 9 or more credits and have a grade point average of 3.5岁或以上才有资格成为这个著名组织的终身会员. Tri-Alpha为导师提供了很多机会, 在第一代学生中领导和建立社区, faculty, staff and alumni. 欲了解更多信息,请访问Alpha Alpha Alpha官方网站 www.1stgenhonors.org or contact: Natalie López, lopezna@kusursuzmt2.com or Duane Williams, williamsdu@kusursuzmt2.com
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Lambda Delta是一个国家荣誉协会,表彰在大学第一年取得杰出学业成就的新生. 正在攻读学士学位且平均绩点不低于3分的全日制新生.5 or better during their first semester or first year are eligible for a lifetime membership with this prestigious organization. Alpha Lambda Delta为本科生提供了很多奖学金机会, graduate fellowships, 为在整个大学生涯中保持要求的GPA的学生颁发奖励和证书. 欲知详情,请浏览劳工处网页 www.nationalald.org or contact us at ald@kusursuzmt2.com.
Chi Alpha Epsilon
Chi Alpha Epsilon was formed to recognize the academic achievement of scholars admitted through Educational Opportunity Fund Programs. EOF scholars in full compliance and good academic/social standing who earn two consecutive full-time semesters of at least a 3.平均成绩为0分才有资格被考虑. 我们分会的目的是促进持续的高标准, 促进会员之间的交流,并表彰学术卓越. 入选者有机会与校友建立联系,并制定计划来加强社区. 更多信息请联系:Lorraine Whitaker, whitakerl@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-7016.
全国大学学者协会是一个荣誉社团,招收成绩优异的一年级和二年级学生,这些学生都是班级前20%的学生. NSCS在全国300多所学校和800多所学校建立了分会,000 members. 美国大学学者协会是美国大学荣誉协会的成员之一. NSCS鼓励学术成就,并为会员提供发展领导技能的机会, 积极改变他们的校园和社区, and prepare for future endeavors (internship, grad school and career). Members often make valuable connections that can last a lifetime and make college a more rewarding experience. For further information contact us at nscs@kusursuzmt2.com.
全国大学生运动员荣誉协会(Chi Alpha Sigma分会)
全国大学生运动员荣誉协会表彰那些在至少一项运动中获得校队录取通知书并保持3分的大学生运动员.在大三和大四期间累积GPA达到或超过4分. The mission of NCAHS is to encourage and reward high academic scholarship of college athletes at four-year accredited colleges and universities; to recognize outstanding academic achievement by intercollegiate varsity letter winners; to encourage good citizenship, moral character and friendship among the high academic achievers in college athletics; to recognize and honor the individual athlete, his/her team, sport, athletic department and college or university, 并指导和领导其他运动员. 更多信息请联系:Tara Rienecker, rieneckert@kusursuzmt2.com, Phone: 973-655-5125.
Phi Kappa Phi (currently inactive)
Phi Kappa Phi的使命是“承认和促进高等教育各个领域的学术卓越,并让学者社区为他人服务。."表彰"那些品行良好,在学术上表现优异的人, in whatever field, 这将激励其他人追求卓越.”
Pi Epsilon Pi
将专业传播学与修辞学相结合, our dedicated faculty of scholars and working writers prepare and empower students to be dynamic thinkers and writers in the 21st century. 写作研究是职业生涯多样化的重要基础, civic, technical, and scientific writing, 并在写作方面为研究生学习做重要准备. 十大博彩推荐排名红鹰分会成立于2020年. For further information please contact: Dr. 卡罗琳·达达斯,一年级写作项目主任 dadasc@kusursuzmt2.com.
Tau Sigma
Tau Sigma is a national academic honor society designed specifically to recognize and promote academic excellence and involvement of transfer students. 全日制学生必须从另一个学术机构转入四年制机构,至少有一个完整的学年学分,平均绩点为3分.在第一学期达到5或以上,才有资格成为终身会员.For further information contact us at tausigma@kusursuzmt2.com.

College of the Arts (CART)


Lambda Pi Eta
Lambda Pi Eta是全国传播协会(NCA)的传播研究荣誉协会。. LPH的成立是为了支持该领域的一系列目标和联系, including recognizing, 培养和奖励传播学方面的杰出学术成就, 以及激发对传播领域的兴趣,促进传播专业学生的专业发展. Lambda Pi Eta提供了在传播领域讨论和交流思想的机会, establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students and explore options for graduate education in communication studies. For further information email LPHMontclair@gmail.com.


Theta Alpha Phi (Theatre)
Theta Alpha Phi国家戏剧荣誉兄弟会是一个美国认可的荣誉协会,接受在戏剧艺术方面取得卓越成就的成员. 会员机构的本科生和研究生都可以成为会员. 它授予在22个州的36所认可的学院和大学中在戏剧研究和制作方面获得特定高质量的研究生和本科生全国认可的荣誉. Theta Alpha Phi是唯一的荣誉戏剧组织,完全限制在该教育水平,学生可以期望在戏剧工作和学习中有一个严肃的目的. It charters only four-year-or-more, Class “A” colleges and universities, has no branches or subsidiaries, 只接纳大二或以上的学生成为会员. 欲了解更多信息,请发邮件至:Neil Baldwin, baldwinn@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-4217.


Sigma Alpha Iota (Music Fraternity-Women Only)
Sigma Alpha Iota是一个促进那些共同致力于音乐的人之间互动的组织. SAI的成员活跃在校园音乐和十大博彩推荐排名的各个领域, working closely with faculty, administration, campus and community groups, music professionals and patrons. 除了个人的鼓励和支持, members may receive scholarships, 贷款和奖励在许多领域和各级音乐相关的研究. Sigma Alpha Iota has long been recognized as a leader in the field of music and provides a lifetime of fraternity contact. For further information email: Loren Fortna, fortnal@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-7212.


Kappa Delta Pi (Gamma Epsilon Chapter)
Kappa Delta Pi是一个国际教育荣誉协会,旨在促进未来专业人士的卓越表现,并表彰对教育做出杰出贡献的人士. 该组织努力在其成员之间保持高度的专业友谊, quicken professional growth, and honor achievement in education work. 会员资格以优异的学术成绩为基础, a commitment to education as a career, 以及专业的态度,保证会员在教育领域的稳步成长. 会员资格要求包括最低累积GPA为3.0, admission to the Teacher Licensure Program, and the recommendation of a faculty member, who is also a member of Kappa Delta Pi. For further information contact: Monica Taylor, taylorm@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-6952
Phi Delta Kappa
Phi Delta Kappa是PDK国际教育协会家族的原始成员, 其中还包括Pi Lambda Theta和未来教育者协会. Together, 这三个协会支持整个教育行业, 从面向大学预科教育工作者的FEA开始, 继续为大学职前教师和实习教师提供PLT, and concluding with PDK, 服务职业教育工作者的专业需求. 更多信息请联系:Gregory Waters, watersg@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-7374.

College for Community Health (CCHL)


Chi Sigma Iota (CSI)
Chi Sigma Iota是国际专业咨询学术和专业荣誉学会. It was established for counselors-in-training, counselor educators, 以及通过专业咨询致力于研究和服务的专业咨询师. Its mission is to promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership and excellence in counseling, and to recognize high attainment in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence in the profession of counseling. CSI Chi Sigma Mu分会于2006年在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学成立. 符合条件的学生将收到分会的正式邀请,申请成为会员. 有关本章会员及活动的问题, please contact the Chapter Faculty Advisor, Dr. Angela I. Sheely-Moore at sheelya@kusursuzmt2.com.

Family Science and Human Development

Omicron Beta Theta (Kappa Omicron Nu Chapter)
Omicron Beta Theta是人文科学学生的主要荣誉社团. Chapter members are undergraduate and graduate students who major in one of the specializations and meet the high standards of scholarship. Candidates must have earned one or more degrees in the human sciences or are working in the field and had the minimum class rank as a student. 更多信息请联系:Pearl Stewart, stewartp@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-6840.



Lambda Alpha
Lambda Alpha是全国人类学荣誉协会. The Department of Anthropology at Montclair State University inducts students once per year to the local chapter, Beta Chapter of New Jersey. Membership is prestigious and there is an annually awarded national scholarship of $5000 to a graduating senior major in anthropology. For further information contact: Elaine Gerber, gerbere@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-3433.


Sigma Tau Delta
西格玛Tau Delta (ΣΤΔ)是一个英语荣誉协会,为获得学士学位或更高学位的认可学院和大学的学生提供服务. 成立于1924年,旨在表彰在英语语言方面取得优异成绩的学生, literature and writing, 它致力于培养读写能力和英语学科的各个方面. ΣΤΔ的十大博彩推荐排名州立分会被称为Alpha Chi Mu (ΑΧμ)。. 要获得资格,学生必须达到特定的学术标准,包括3分.平均成绩7分,初中或高中学历. 符合条件的学生每年被邀请申请两次. 欲了解更多信息,请联系教师赞助商 Naomi Liebler or Jonathan Greenberg.


Pi Delta Phi (Gamma Kappa Chapter)
The purpose of the Pi Delta Phi society is to recognize outstanding scholarship in the French language and its literatures, to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world, 促进和鼓励法语和法语国家的文化活动. 更多信息请联系:Rabia Redouane, redouaner@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-7421.


Phi Alpha Theta (Upsilon Sigma Chapter)
Phi Alpha Theta is a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, 历史学家之间的学术和思想的出版和交流. 荣誉协会旨在将学生和教师聚集在一起进行智力和社会交流, 以各种方式促进和协助会员的历史研究和出版. 更多信息请联系:Jeffrey Strickland, stricklandj@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-4124


Gamma Kappa Alpha
The Italian Honor Society Gamma Kappa Alpha 是为了表彰美国和加拿大高等院校在意大利研究方面的杰出学术表现而成立的. 它鼓励大学生培养更大的兴趣, and a deeper understanding of, the Italian language, culture and history around the world by recognizing academic achievements and fostering lively exchange on campus. The Society is open to all juniors and seniors who meet the selective eligibility criteria defined by the National Society. For further information contact: Dr. 特蕾莎·菲奥雷(意大利和意大利裔美国人研究教授), fiorete@kusursuzmt2.com

Paralegal Studies

Lambda Epsilon Chi
Lambda Epsilon Chi是律师助理学生的全国性学术荣誉协会. Lambda Epsilon Chi recognizes students who have demonstrated superior academic performance in an established, 在美国律师助理教育协会具有良好信誉的机构成员中提供的律师助理/法律助理研究的合格课程. 更多信息请联系:Nicole Fackina, fackinan@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-7759.

Political Science

Pi Sigma Alpha
Pi Sigma Alpha是美国国家政治科学荣誉协会,是美国唯一一个为政治科学和政府专业的大学生设立的荣誉协会. Pi Sigma Alpha的会员资格对目前就读政治学专业的学生开放, 谁符合以下标准:学生必须至少大三谁已经完成了至少10个学期学分的政治学工作,包括至少一门高级课程, with no grade lower than a B in those courses. 学生的总平均绩点必须达到全班前三分之一的水平.e., junior or senior class). 学生不必是政治学专业的学生也有资格成为会员. For further information contact: Zsolt Nyiri, nyiriz@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-4238.


Psi Chi
Psi Chi是全国心理学荣誉协会, founded in 1929 for the purpose of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarships, and advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate students who are making the study of psychology one of their major interests, and who meet the minimum qualifications. Psi Chi是大学荣誉协会的成员,也是美国心理学会(APA)和美国心理学会(APS)的附属机构。. For further information contact Debra Zellner, zellnerd@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-4327.


Alpha Kappa Delta
Alpha Kappa Delta是国际社会学荣誉学会. Alpha Kappa Delta旨在表彰和促进社会学研究方面的卓越学术成就, the research of social problems, 以及其他能够改善人类状况的社会和智力活动. 更多信息请联系:Christopher Donoghue, donoghuec@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-7227.


Theta Alpha Kappa
Theta Alpha Kappa的十大博彩推荐排名州立分会鼓励, 认可及维持宗教研究的卓越表现. TAK的大部分活动都是由地方分会进行的, but TAK’s national Board of Directors sponsors a number of programs and prizes and hosts an annual meeting open to all members. For further information contact: Dr. Kate E. Temoney, temoneyk@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-3778.


Sigma Delta Pi
The purpose of Sigma Delta Pi is to promote and enrich the use of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultural practices. 其使命是表彰那些擅长西班牙语的人, literature and cultural studies; to honor those that have made Hispanic contributions to the contemporary culture of English speaking countries; to promote in-depth learning and understanding of the Spanish language and culture by students and members of the community; to develop friendship and mutual respect between Spanish speaking and English speaking countries. 欲了解更多信息,请联系:Valentin Soto, sotov@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-5119.

College of Science & Mathematics (CSAM)

Kappa Mu Epsilon(新泽西Beta章,当地称为Aphesteon)
Kappa Mu Epsilon是一个专门的数学荣誉社团. KME成立于1931年,旨在促进大学生对数学的兴趣. The chapters’ members are selected from students of mathematics and other closely related fields who have maintained standards of scholarship, 有专业功绩和学术成就. For further information contact: John Stevens, StevensJ@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-7254
Upsilon Pi Epsilon(美国国家计算机科学荣誉学会)
Upsilon Pi (UPE)是业界公认的, 国际ACM计算机科学荣誉学会. It is designed to promote the computing and information disciplines and to encourage their contribution to the enhancement of knowledge. Upsilon Pi Epsilon recognizes academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the computing and information disciplines. For further information contact: H. Mark Hubey, hubeyh@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-5269.


Sigma Xi
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, 是认可科学成就的科学家和工程师荣誉协会吗. 该协会是一个由成员和分会组成的多元化组织,致力于在科学和工程领域建立伙伴关系,并通过研究促进知识的进步, service and teaching. 它还寻求提高研究企业的健康, foster integrity in science and engineering and promote the public’s understanding of science for the purpose of improving the human condition. Sigma Xi is recognized as the global society that promotes ethics and excellence in scientific and engineering research. For further information contact: John Gaynor, gaynorJ@monclair.edu, 973-655-7253.


Gamma Theta Upsilon
Gamma Theta Upsilon是成立于1928年的国际荣誉地理学会. Gamma Theta Upsilon’s mission is to strengthen student and professional training through academic experiences in addition to those of the classroom and laboratory; to advance the status of geography as a cultural and practical discipline for study and investigation; to encourage student research of high quality, and to promote an outlet for publication; to create and administer funds for furthering graduate study and/or research in the field of geography. For further information contact: Greg Pope, popeg@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-7569.

School of Business (SBUS)

Epsilon Delta Epsilon
Epsilon Delta Epsilon is a Professional Honors Society for the School of Business that is committed to “Excellence in Developing Entrepreneurs”. ΕΔΕ was founded in 1964 by Dr. Joseph Hecht in order to provide students with a way of distinguishing themselves from their contemporaries. Today, Epsilon Delta (EDE)专注于创业, professionalism, academic excellence and leadership. We are a Professional Honors Society dedicated to recognizing and rewarding students who pursue one or all of these focuses. 要有资格成为会员,学生的平均成绩必须至少达到3分.2 and must have completed at least 30 credits. 虽然Epsilon欢迎所有商业专业的学生, 该组织的主要焦点是在市场营销领域, retailing, international business, and sports, events and tourism. As a professional honors society, Epsilon Delta Epsilon holds “Professional Events” that are created to help members achieve confidence in the business world, 学习创业技能,并在成员之间建立联系, 其他从事专业工作的组织和人员. Activities include advice on resume writing, how the interview process works, as well as the reality of marketing, 零售业和国际商业领域,因为他们是相互关联的商业世界. For further information contact: Archana Kumar, kumara@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-3001.


Omicron Delta Epsilon
Omicron Delta Epsilon是国际经济学荣誉协会. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics; the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities and among colleges and universities; the publication of the official journal, The American Economist; the sponsoring of panels at professional meetings and the Irving Fisher and Frank W. Taussig competitions. For further information, please email fmes@kusursuzmt2.com.

The Graduate School

Alpha Epsilon Lambda (The Graduate School)
The mission of Alpha Epsilon Lambda is to confer distinction for high achievement, promote leadership development, 提倡学术研究,鼓励智力发展, enrich the intellectual environment of graduate education institutions and encourage high standards of ethical behavior. 更多信息请联系:Caren Ferrante, ferrantec@kusursuzmt2.com, 973-655-4403.